A note on Origami- The Art of Folding paper
By- Leo Tharindu Perera Origami is the art of making different creations by folding paper. This fine art, traditionally inherited from Japan, gradually united the culture and education of the Japanese four centuries ago. Today it has developed into an essential part of the field of education as well as extracurricular activities. There is a Japanese saying, "The hands are the outer brain." This is because the actions of one's hands can determine the nature of the brain and vice versa. Swiss jin father Ji, a developmental psychologist, says that hands-on activities can greatly contribute to intellectual development, especially in infancy and childhood. Therefore, two terms in education are used simultaneously in action: understanding and action through action. It has been scientifically proven that by actively interacting with objects in the outside world of the hands, there is an intelligence development process. By folding a piece of paper into an origami, you...