Street Pooch

    By- Leo Chanya Ranathunga

Street Pooch in itself was an attempt by the Polgasowita Leos to become provides for those who suffer in silence.

How many times have we walked past street dogs and ignored their very existence? Sometimes this vision has become such a common occurrence that we do not even think twice, much less once about these animals.

As Leos, we attempted to make a small change and show that one act will actually help out a lot more than what we would have expected. Feeding street pooch is just the start of an initiative that we have taken, and many have followed. Even during this pandemic time, we have continued our monthly attempts at providing a meal for the needy. This project not only focused on the humanity that we must have, but also to the damage we do to the world. Sri Lanka is piling up with food waste and disasters such as the massive landfill explosion that happened and prone.

We ask you to join in, not only with this project but with the cause of feeding stray dogs and cats or any animal for the matter.

Reuse the food waste in your homes instead of dumping them into the trash. These hungry soulds do not have the comfort of a shelter covering their heads; neither do they have a voice to state their thirst or hunger. Allow yourself to become an empathic human and feel the pain of these souls. Help them in whatever way possible! with this you are serving two aspects of the community..


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