Garage Sale- A fundraiser like Never before

By- Leo Chanakya Ranasinghe Some of us like to throw away all the old stuff and get new items for our houses and wardrobes to freshen up everything. But some others do appreciate old clothes, ornaments, shoes, and other items and they love to collect things which have a value and a story behind them. Leos of Polgasowita was in search of a good fundraising project which will help us to generate funds as well as with a positive social impact. our member Leo Gayami Weerasinghe came up with the idea of a "Garage sale" which was a perfect idea for a fundraiser and also a great way to manage waste within our homes by introducing the concept of "One man's trash can be another man's treasure". Pre- Loved Items We collected different items such as clothes, jewelry, shoes, books, and bags from Leos as well as people who are willing to donate and we carefully selected them to be put up for the sale. Going with the traditional concept of garage sa...